National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017

Eyewitness accounts of UFOs and biological examples of alien visitors are receiving increasing public credence now that Congress has underwritten NASA to investigate the Universe for otherworldly presence. However, there is a condition: people must stop believing that God created the Universe if they want to meet the little green men one day. 

To prove that stakeholder beneficience and political profiteering determine proof of conspiracy, it should be added that the authority of Genesis 1 of the Holy Bible is now deliberately being undermined by the activation of a six-year-old Federal Law so that the aims of science-minded influencers to fund space exploration can be fulfilled.  

A fiscal year 2023 omnibus spending bill provides NASA with nearly $25.4 billion (an increase of more than 5% from 2022). The Law implies that space exploration will succeed in redefining Creation simply because the fervent will of people is to fund it. To this end the metaphysics of citizenship had long held that Americans have “inalienable rights” from God to define their constituency by majority. Thus, in 2017, the NASA law begs the question that Americans occupy a nation and a globe that are no longer founded under God of the Bible, but by the newly predominant American belief that the source of life is purely carnal. This mistaken contention has now slithered its way into Federal Law.

Congress, in passing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017, repurposed man’s “capacity to wonder” as being the contemplation of vitality that has zero ontological dependence on God the Father. Instead, authorship of creation must, by this Federal law, only legally be acknowledged to the corporeal World because the ethos of trusting solely the empirical data taken in by the five senses is the religion of science (falsely so-called). 

Using wide-lens infrared telescope and spaceship journeying, the WFIRST mission promulgates this new celestial law concerning where to assign a start of all existence. Section 507, the “Congressional Declaration of Policy and Purpose” (S. 20102-d of Title 51 USC-amended) denotes the joint constituency with NASA to herald “the search for life’s origin, evolution, distribution and future in the universe.” 

Congress further contends “Administration support for planetary science is critical to enabling greater understanding of the solar system and the origin of the Earth (S. 502 Planetary Science; A-Findings; 1) Reiteration of operation purpose to define “life” and its “origin” are located throughout this 58-page law (SS. 507, 507, 509, 510). Further, while exploring other planets for life, “the James Webb Space Telescope will revolutionize our understanding of star and planet formation and how galaxies evolved, and will advance the search for the origins of our universe” (S. 833.2).

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